Connoisseur Plants

Shop closed for the season 2020, see you in 2021. 

Aethionema oppositifolium
ajuga ovalifolia
ajuga ovalifolia
allium flava nana
Allium insubricum
Allium kurtzianum
Allium semenovii
Allium senescens montanum var. glaucum
Allium sikkimense
Alstroemeria 'Little Miss Rosalind'
Androsace albana
Androsace carnea alba
Androsace carnea halleri
Androsace pyrenaica
Androsace sempervivoides
Androsace tapete
Antennaria rosea
Arabis drabiformis
Arabis x sturii
Arabis x suendermannii
Arenaria kanusensis
Arenaria purpurascens
Arenaria tetraquetra
Ameria caespitosa syn. juniperifolia 'bevans variety'
Aruncus aethusifolius
Asarum splendens
Asarum splendens
Asperula daphneola
Asperula daphneola
Azorella filamentosa
Azprella trifurcata
Betula nana
Buxus microphylla compacta

Aethionema oppositifolium

Light purple flowers from tight cushions of glaucous foliage in spring.
3 cm, sun, rockgarden. 

Family: Brassicaceae
Origin: Turkey

Ajuga ovalifolia

Dark blue stemless flowers from centre of flat rosette of glossy broad green leaves.

3-5 cm, sun, rockgarden/alpine house. 

Family: Lamiaceae

Origin: China

Allium cyathophorum var. farreri
Deep purple flowers in summer and grasslike onion leaves. 
25 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Origin: China

Allium flava nana
Yellow flowers on this dwarf variety of Allium flava. Spreads easily by seed, so plant with care.  
5-15 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: Amaryllidaceae

Allium insubricum
One of the most beautiful alliums. Large nodding purple bells on short stems in summer   
15 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Italy

Allium kurtzianum
Dwarf onion with beautiful pink flowers in clusters on very short stems.    
10-15 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Turkey

Allium semenovii
Yellow flowers on short stems and inflated green leaves.      
15-20 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Kirgizistan

Allium senescens montanum var. glaucum

Light purple flowers and swirling glaucous leaves laying flat to the ground. Very nice!
10-15 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: Amaryllidaceae

Allium sikkimense

Dwarf onion with intensely blue flowers in small clusters. Very similiar to A. beesianum.   
10-15 cm, sun och half shadow, best in a cool place in the rockgarden.  
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Sikkim, Nepal 

Alstroemeria'Little Miss Rosalind'
Peruvian Lily. Very showy big pink flowers with yellow throat from clumps of blue green leaves. Hardy.   

10-15 cm, sun, rockgarden bets with winter protection.  

Androsace albana

Small light pink flowers with yellow eye in round clusters on 10 cm stems from single rosettes with strange leaves.
10 cm, sun/half shadow, cool place in rockgarden.  

Androsace carnea 'alba'

White flowers with yellow eye on short stems from small tufts of dark green leaves.

5-15 cm, sun/half shadow, cool place in rockgarden.  

Androsace carnea halleri

Pink flowers with yellow eye on short stems from small tufts of glossy green leaves.

5-10 cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Androsace pyrenaica

Tiny stemless vhite flowers with yellow eye from very congested cushions of super tiny grey leaves. A real gem! 
3-5 cm, sun, will do best with winter protection or if kept in an alpine house. 

Androsace sempervivoides

Pink flowers with eyes in shifting colours from yellow to red. Spreads by stolons and forms small colonies in time. Easy plant. 
5 cm, sun, rock garden. 
Origin: China

Androsace tapete

White stemless flowers with eyes in shifting colours from yellow to red sitting right on top of compact grey cushions. Choice!
2-3 cm, sun, cool place in rockery or peat garden. 
Origin: China

Antennaria rosea

Compact silvery grey foliage in flat carpets with pink flowers on short scapes. 
10 cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Origin: North America

Arabis drabiformis
Sprays of white flowers on 10 cm stems from hairy grey cushions. 
10 cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Arabis × sturii

White flowers on short stems from compact, glossy drak green cushions.
5 - 10cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Arabis × suendermannii

Lots of white flowers in spring/early summer from small dark green mats. Easy plant.
5 - 10cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Arenaria festucoides
White flowers on short stems in early summer from spiny green cushions. 
3-5 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: C
Origin: China

Arenaria kansuensis
Green flowers on short stems from very compact green domes. 
3-5 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: C
Origin: China

Arenaria purpurascens
Large purple flowers on 5-10 short stems from losely branched small plants. 
10 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: C
Origin: Pyrenees

Arenaria tetraquetra
White stemless flowers on top of congested cushions of grey-green foliage. 
5 cm, sun, rockgarden.  
Family: C

Armeria caespitosa ‘Bevans variety’

Almost stemless pink flowers in clusters very tight cushions of thin darkgreen foliage. 
3-5 cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Aruncus aethusifolius
White plumes of tiny white flowers from low very dissected, fern like bronze foliage. 
10-15 cm, sun, rockgarden or peat.  

Origin: Korea

Asarum caudatum
Western Wild Ginger. Carpets of roun green leaves on erect stems and dark red to brown strange flowers. Very adaptable.
5-15 cm, shade, rockgarden/woodland/peatbed.

Origin: North America

Asarum splendens
Chinese Wild Ginger. Beautiful Cyclamen like leaves and bizzare large brown flowers close to the ground
10 cm, shade, rockgarden/peatbed.

Origin: China

Asperula boissieri
Small light pink flowers from light grey/glaucous cushions of needle like leaves. 
3 cm, sun, rockgarden.

Origin: Greece

Asperula daphneola
Tiny trumpet like pink flowers en masse from grey compact cushions of small needle like leaves. 
3 cm, sun, rockgarden.

Origin: Turkey 

Asperula gussonii

Small trumpet like light pink flowers from green dense cushions. 
3 cm, sun, rockgarden.

Asperula sintenisii

Small trumpet like vibrant pink flowers from glaucous dense cushions with fine foliage. 
3 cm, sun, rockgarden.

Azorella filamentosa

Small yellow/green stemless flowers from creeping mats of small of tiny leaves. 
2 cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Family: Apiaceae
Origin: Chile 

Azorella trifurcata

Azorella trifurcata

Yellow or greenish stemless flowers from a very tight green glossy carpet of rubbery leaves. Strange but easy plant.
2 cm, sun, rockgarden.  

Family: Apiaceae
Origin: Chile 

Betula nana
Dwarf birch of about 40 cm i height. Tiny leaves and flowers.  
40 cm, sun, rockgarden or peat bed.  

Buxus microphylla compacta
Miniature Boxwood. Very slow growing, in time it forms small very dense dark evergreen balls.   
10-15 cm, sun/shade, rockgarden or peat bed.  

Buxus microphylla 'Morris Midget'

Miniature Boxwood. Slow growing, evergreen and compact but branching Boxwood. Good bonsai plants.   
15-30 cm, sun/shade, rockgarden or peat bed.  
Family: Buxaceae






































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